1·In the study of perceptual abilities of infants, a number of techniques are used to determine infants' responses to various stimuli.
2·Determine the availability of each component, as a number from 0 to 1.
3·Next, determine what page you currently need to display and use that information to determine the offset, or number of records to skip.
4·Identify your development model in use: Which development model you currently use will determine the number of needed signatures.
5·So capacity planning can determine the number of systems needed to support this organization.
6·By counting the number of similar trails, you could determine the "most used" click trails through that portal.
7·Once you determine the number of sites per geography, you'll have the number of users to be supported per site.
8·Now, we check the SLA database at the end of a test run to determine the number of transactions conducted.
9·When choosing values, you need to determine the average size and average number of messages that will be on the queue.
10·Target number of concurrent players per instance: Often difficult to determine, this is a calculation for each shard of the number of players to be supported.